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New Member
Hi, all. I'm a photography enthusiast who used to shoot exclusively with Nikon gear. I purchased a D-LUX 7 as a walk around camera about three years ago. I loved the glass but It was purchased used and the controls were a little difficult to use. I replaced it with a Q2 last year after it attracted dust on the sensor that I couldn't remove. I fell in love with the Q2 and consider it the best camera I've ever purchased for all around use. I rarely use my Nikons (D6, D850, D500), except for sports, wildlife, or formal portraiture. I almost always have my Q2 with me. With the introduction of the Q3 43, I'm thinking about adding it to my equipment, which would obviate almost all other needs for the DSLR's. Looking forward to learning from other forum members.
Hi MNSam,

Welcome to LQF33

I am sure many will have the same idea with the Leica Q3 43. If you do not need longer lenses, the Q3 43 ticks many boxes.

It is very expensive, but one 60MP full frame body with a 5.6 MP VF plus 2-3 high quality FFL are expensive too.

There are use cases for both. But the battle for the customer gets more interesting now :)