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Q3 43 Makro problem with filters etc.

Here is an in depth video about the Makro problem. He also tries different slim UV filters to avoid it but with no success.

I solved this problem by using a rounded sunhade, which I had luckily already in 49mm thread size from years ago. I even do not know anymore from which camera. You an get cheap ones on ebay or at Aliexpress. The Q3 will forgive you if there is no Leica name on the lens shade Z04 Nic 0075

I ordered today a Zeiss T* UV filter in 49mm size, which I will have always on this expensive lens to protect it. I use a no-name lens cap as a protection. This is even better because I do not want to show the Leica name on the camera. All Leica names/logos on my Q3 43 are hidden under a black tape. But this might be an interesting discussion for another thread...

Additionally I ordered a Kasefilter 49->77mm step up ring, to be able to use my 77mm magnetic Kase filters also with the Leica Q3 43. I probably need then to find a better solution for a lens shade. I think a 77mm lens shade on a 49mm thread lens will not give the requires sun protection. But I will find out :)