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Problem with the viewfinder of my Leica Q.


New Member
Hello, I recently bought a Leica Q in impeccable condition; it looks and works perfectly. However, I think there’s an issue with the viewfinder because in good lighting conditions, it looks fine, but when there’s very little ambient light, it appears to be foggy. Is this normal? I’m concerned, I don’t think it should be like this. Thank you.
mmmmhhhh... IMHO this should not look foggy. But I do not have the Q, only the Q3 43 and maybe there is a different technology used.

Maybe another Q owner can help here.

Have you called Leica or a Leica dealer for this? Maybe they have the original Q second hand and you can compare the EVF
Thanks, Puñal. I haven’t called technical support yet. The seller says it’s normal, but I seriously doubt it.